MCS top 10 tips to pass your future exam from a successful passed student - Muralidhar.R R.Muralidhar who has recently passed MCS exam May 2016 sharing the top 10 tips to pass CIMA management case study from his own experience
01) Go through the exam kit which gives in detail on how to write email , reports , memo etc.,
02) Don't run to explain theory rather application as a real life finance manager ( even if u fail to recollect any don't worry just apply your sense as a manager what you will do to the scenario )
03) You need to hit good marks in Technical as other skills are more subjective
04) Make a point by point summary notes and try to relate them wherever possible for Pre seen
06) Remember CIMA can ask anything so don't just brush few area
07) past exam papers will help you on approach but question rarely get repeated
08) mocks are good ( especially BPP)
09) Before answering don't forget to integrate the answers I.e try to relate to preceding questions n answers you have provided to the current task you attend ..this way you will try to prove the strength of your answer
10) Each of your points will fetch 2 marks , this point should consist the heading followed by bit of explanation by relating to unseen / pre seen integration or conclusion
Good luck with your exams
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