Cost of CIMA - CIMA fees - How much does a CIMA qualification cost? - CIMA Mock Exams



Friday, April 13, 2018

Cost of CIMA - CIMA fees - How much does a CIMA qualification cost?

Cost of CIMA - CIMA fees - How much does a CIMA qualification cost?
Cost of CIMA - CIMA fees - How much does a CIMA qualification cost?

CIMA’s three-tier exam fee system means UK students now pay £390 more than their colleagues in South Africa to sit the professional qualification exams. 

Current exam fees show students in tier 1 (this includes the UK) would pay £1,610 to sit all nine OTs and the three case studies. Based on 2018 prices the same students in tier 3 would pay £1,220. 

CIMA says it is offering a tier-based exam fee system as part of its continued commitment to improving access to the qualification and assessment worldwide.
For UK students just the operational OTs now cost less than £100 each to sit – they are £95. Every other exam costs over £100 each time, rising to £240 for the strategic level case assessment.

CIMA has also worked out how much it would cost a student (or their employer) to ‘get qualified’, in either three or five years. It is assumed you have no exemptions, you sit and pass first time, and you are in a tier 2 market. 

This means those in China, Cyprus and UEA to name a few. After adding the annual subscriptions and exam papers (£1,514) and the study costs (£3,480) it comes up with a figure of £4,994 for three years. For five that figure rises to £5,210. However, this price only includes a textbook and CMA study prime modules. And remember you haven’t failed anything in these costs.

Courtesy - PQ Magazine